Only a lazy person does not say that a student and not only him needs to be creative in Europe over the past 200 years. Since romantic philosophers gave birth to the prominent idea of a true creative genius and it became mass and widespread in the broadest circles of society, no one had ever doubted that creativity was good. In different countries and social conditions, people are looking for ways and recipes to enhance their effectiveness, not to mention the fact that they seek and explain the very phenomenon of creativity.
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Creativity in the broadest sense is a creation of something new, something that a person has not created before, could not think about. There are many kinds of creativity: intellectual, artistic, theatrical, and so on – all this means that a person creates something that did not exist before, and its scale can be quite different. A new thing may be for him or her, for the group or even for all humanity.
The Myth of a Creative Person
When it comes to creative people, everyone understands this phrase differently. Many imagine people of such professions as actors, artists, scientists, and so on. However, everyone can be creative in a sense, although to a different degree. Using their abilities, everyone can create something new, at least within their own lives.
It is often said that we are more creative in their childhood, and with age, the capacity for geniousness goes away. This is not true. Children are less affected by social norms, attitudes and other restrictions than adults, but the idea that children are more creative is not verified. Children are just as different in their desires and abilities as the adults are. In this sense, there are no special differences.
The fact that it is increasingly difficult for a person to make bold creative decisions is just the reverse side of the phenomenon of adulthood, which is the basis for our culture. An adult is a person who takes into account a lot of conventions and restrictions which are harder and harder to give up. That is, in this respect, growing into a culture or society, on the one hand, gives a lot of opportunities, and on the other hand, makes you live in a world of various limitations.
In the recent decades, due to the technical progress, there was some substitution of creative activity in the search for information. That is, for those cases when people used to understand that there was nowhere to go and it would be necessary to make some efforts and come up with something, look for new ideas, try different solutions, etc., now there is Google and social networks.
The process of inventing and developing good solutions is often replaced by the search for a simple answer. In addition to the fact that other people's decisions may not be suitable for a particular case, this deprives the individual of an incredible source of motivation and pleasure from the process of combating uncertainty and defeating it.
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Heuristic Strategies
Nevertheless, even in the conditions of such social limitations, it is possible to develop creative abilities. But still, we have to come up with various tricks that help us at least temporarily to drop a set of restrictions, somehow circumvent and escape them. Actually, this is the pragmatic feature of such a science as the psychology of creativity. It not only describes what it is but also tries to find a variety of recipes that help us use our abilities. In this respect, of course, the psychology of creativity tries to be and is really practically oriented.
The development of the abilities truly creative is a slow process in comparison to the process of coping with a local problem, which can be sorted out for a limited time. It is impossible to cope with creative abilities. Age limitations in terms of the development of creativity were not found, but it is more productive to start this in early childhood.
Creative abilities are a collective term for a whole "bouquet" of abilities. You can behave very differently in order to develop these creative abilities. Dancing, painting, theatrical art, discussion of scientific problems, invention – all this positively affects creative abilities in one form or another.
At the same time, of course, there are more special methods. The most famous of them are tied to the relatively early ages in our culture when people try to develop creativity in children and talk about it as the development of common abilities. To do this, we do things that are well described in the psychological and pedagogical literature: children are taught to work with different materials and search for some unexpected new turns, relations, associations, unexpected comparisons, and so on in various situations.
For adults, this is traced much worse. The development of creativity in adulthood requires non-trivial actions and words. Any classical spheres: artistic creativity, theatrical creativity, dancing, word games, painting – all this is suitable as a material with the help of which you can develop your creative abilities. However, it is very important to deal with this systematically as the result cannot be achieved in 10 minutes.
There are no clear methods for developing creative abilities that would work equally well in the minds of all people. It is necessary to try different recipes, and some of them will work, and some are destined to fail. It is almost impossible to a priori determine what will be effective. It is necessary to try this method, and the second, and the third – it is on the one hand.
And on the other hand, all these prescriptions are based on the psychophysiological nature of a human in the broadest sense. There are more successful moments to create, and you need to be able to see them. There are certain actions that help you get involved, "enter" the work.
Actions that help us solve problems and cope with challenging situations are called heuristic strategies. They need to be known and some of them must be used. In addition, there are situations in which applying creativity is particularly difficult. These situations must either be avoided, or you must be able to rebuild them and so on.
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Psychology of Creativity
It is a direction in psychology that studies how people, having that psychological apparatus, create new things, objects, ideas and so on. Psychology of creativity, being an ordinary science, deals not with practical recipes, but with a description of how the surrounding life is arranged.
The theory of creativity seeks the mechanisms of action, that is, the mechanisms that ensure the creation of new products and ideas. Accordingly, it is such a somewhat normal psychological field of research in which people are looking for explanations of how the mechanisms existing in different heads help to provide the creation of something new. Then, when these mechanisms become clear, starting from this, you can come up with recipes, understand what hampers creative work and what will help. But there must be some research because, first of all, you need to describe the mechanisms themselves.