Placing an order with us is easy. You simply need to complete the Order Form and proceed with the payment. Upon completion of the Order Form each customer is provided with a personal account, where they can check the order progress, upload additional materials, download completed papers, request a revision of the paper and so on. After the payment is made our Support Team managers will identify and assign a writer whose skills and qualifications correspond to your field of study and paper requirements.
Crazyessay.com is an officially registered company based in London, UK, but we also have Customer Support offices in the US, UK and Europe.
Since all the orders with our website are completed from scratch, we guarantee their absolute originality. Upon completion, each paper is thoroughly reviewed by our customer service managers to ensure no plagiarized parts are detected in the text of the paper. For this purpose, a unique plagiarism-checking software was developed by our IT department and is meticulously used. Should you need a proof of the paper originality, a plagiarism report can be issued upon request by our Support Team managers.
IMPORTANT! In case you order a service other than writing from scratch, such as editing, proofreading or rewriting, you are responsible for providing us with the requirements and additional files and materials which originally contain no plagiarized parts. In case you fail to provide such materials, we shall not be liable for unsatisfactory results of completed work.
Each Customer is eligible to request revisions of any paper if he or she considers its quality unacceptable. Such revisions are free of charge and a Customer is offered to request unlimited number of them until he or she finds the quality of the order satisfactory. However, free revisions are available only if they are requested within a 10-day period after the first version of the completed assignment has been delivered to the Customer. Please be careful to provide revision instructions and comments that do not conflict with the original ones provided upon placing the order.
Please visit our Money Back Guarantee and Revision Policy sections for more information about revision and refund options.
The basic formats used by us are MLA, APA and Harvard Referencing; however, our writers can apply other formats in accordance with your paper requirements (you will need to specify what format is required in your paper instructions when filling in the order form).
Below are the main guidelines:
- 275 words per page;
- Double spacing;
- 1" on all sides;
- 12-pt. Times New Roman, Courier or Arial.
If another formatting style is required which is different from our standard guidelines, please specify this in your paper instructions or select a corresponding option in the order form.
Paper sources include: books, WebPages, magazines and other educational materials used for a written assignment completion. You select the number of sources in accordance with the paper instructions provided by your professor. If no sources are required, select “0”.
Our Company makes every effort to provide the customers only with original custom written plagiarism-free reference materials. Since we do not keep a database of completed orders, each paper is completed individually to meet requirements of a particular Customer. Once the paper is completed and delivered, properly revised (if applicable) and approved by you, we delete it from our database. In such way, we guarantee that your paper shall not be used by other parties for any commercial purposes.
Using Crazyessay.com is absolutely confidential. You can be sure that no information provided by you will be transferred to other parties.
We can use such information as your name, email address and a phone number for getting in touch with you when necessary throughout all stages of the order process.
The payment methods used by Crazyessay.com are absolutely safe since the customers are not required to provide any credit card information in the order form. You will be sent a confirmation letter either to your personal account page or your email address once the payment is processed.
For more information please visit Privacy Policy page.
Using Crazyessay.com is absolutely confidential. You can be sure that no information provided by you will be transferred to other parties.
We can use such information as your name, email address and a phone number for getting in touch with you when necessary throughout all stages of the order process.
The payment methods used by Crazyessay.com are absolutely safe since the customers are not required to provide any credit card information in the order form. You will be sent a confirmation letter either to your personal account page or your email address once the payment is processed.
For more information please visit Privacy Policy page.
The first version of a completed order will be uploaded to your personal account and/or sent to the email address provided by you in the order form. After receiving this version, it is necessary to carefully review it for compliance with your initial order instructions. If you approve this version, it means that you consider its quality satisfactory; in this case, you will always be provided with a .doc version of the assignment upon approval, which will be delivered either to your personal account on our website or initially provided email address.
If you have any additional materials or files to be used for successful order completion, you will need to select files uploading option in the order form and they will be automatically attached to your personal account page on our website once you are through with the order form.
If any technical problems occur or you experience difficulties with uploading the additional materials to your account page, please submit them to our email address: info@crazyessay.com.
Feel free to contact our Support Team for assistance.
The price of your order can be calculated according to such characteristics as: type of service, required number of pages, your year of study (academic level), type of delivery you select (order deadline). Additional features you may select in the order form can also influence the price. Before placing an order, you can check each service price per page in the Pricing section on our website. We give our customers an opportunity to save money by providing them with complimentary reference and title pages.
Our customers can enjoy various discount offers which are applicable to most of the orders, with a few exceptions, and depend on the characteristics mentioned earlier (type of delivery, academic level, number of pages, additional features, etc.). To get more information on your discount options before placing the order contact our Customer Support for assistance.
“Writer’s Sample” is an additional feature which represents a randomly selected work previously completed by the writer assigned to your current order. The service gives you an opportunity to evaluate his/her writing style and overall quality of the performed work. You can select this option in the corresponding field of the order form or contact our support representatives for more information.
When placing the order, you face the following options:
- Best available writer: any highly-qualified writer proficient in your subject available at the time your order is placed;
- Top writer: a professional writer with over 5 years academic writing experience and a background in your subjects. Such writer is usually either a Master’s or PhD degree holder and submits best premium papers;
- Preferred writer: If you are a returning user with an appreciation for the work done by a particular writer, you can request the same writer to work on your order indicating his/her ID or the previous order number.
- ENL (English as Native Language): native English speaking writers proficient in various academic fields of study.