Report on Marketing Research. Do It Right. Part 2


So, in the previous part  of the article, we have talked about the criteria for a correct report. We continue to discuss this topic.


This is the criterion used to assess how vividly and directly the report is written.

In addition to the necessary completeness, the report should also be expressive. It means that you should be selective about what to include in it. You should not even try to impress a reader with absolutely everything that you have managed to discover. If any result is not directly relevant to the accents emphasized in the report, these materials should be deleted.

You should also avoid long discussions of the well-known methods. Even if the correspondence of the materials presented to the report subject is reached, its expressiveness can be violated by the style of the written presentation. Usually, this happens when you inappropriately select the phrases and words which you intend to put the idea in. Not finding the final verbal contact with the idea, you pour "verbal water" around it, - a weakness of the expressive means found with the same repetition.

Conversely, an expressive presentation is effective because it uses every word as much as possible. From the expressive discussion of the topic, it is impossible to throw out a single word without damaging or completely destroying the functional meaning of the work as a whole. To write expressively is to express an idea fully and clearly in as few words as possible.

Reading out loud is one of the useful ways to make sure that the presentation is expressive. With the help of this reading, you can often find those sections that need to be deleted or rewritten.

Silent reading allows you to easily and smoothly slide through the familiar material, deceiving yourself with an artificial fluency of perception and a structural simplicity, whereas in reality, the presentation is muddled and confusing. The eye is able to quickly get used to the form of some sentences, but for the tongue, lips, and jaws this matter can be much more difficult.

Form of the Report

Organization of the report determines all the criteria for writing it. Although even a good organization cannot guarantee clarity, completeness, accuracy, and expressiveness of the report, its poor organization can hinder the satisfaction of these criteria. Choosing the most acceptable form, you must be guided by your preparation and the needs of the reader. We give you a format that has a sufficient flexibility in terms of including or excluding individual elements depending on specific needs:

  1. Title page;
  2. Table of contents;
  3. Short review: introduction, results, conclusions, recommendations;
  4. Introduction;
  5. Main part: methodology, results, restrictions;
  6. Conclusions and recommendations;
  7. Additional materials: copies of the forms of data collection, detailed calculations in support of the sample size, test statistics, etc., tables not included in the main part, bibliography.

Short Review: What Is It?

This is the most important part of the report. It is its heart and soul. Many executives read only a short review. Others will read more, but even they will use the review as a guide for those questions which they want to get more information about. Writers from know how to write similar papers, so, if you need help, contact them at any time.

A reliable overview is not a cliché from the entire report, in which all the points are summarized in a short form, not simply a re-definition of the topic or a brief summary of the essence of the significant results. It focuses on all the important points of the main part. A properly written review saves the time of those busy executives without compromising the quality of their understanding. A good test of the overview is the criterion of its self-sufficiency. Is it possible to limit oneself to that alone, or does the brief overview fall apart without the full report?

A good overview contains some basic information as well as the important results and conclusions. Whether to include recommendations in is largely determined by a reader. Some managers prefer the author to recommend appropriate actions, while others prefer to make their own conclusions based on the results of the study. A good overview is rarely divided into headings and subheadings. The brief review that requires such a division is probably too long.

It begins with an introduction that should give a reader enough grounds for a proper evaluation of the results, conclusions, and recommendations arising from the study. The introduction should indicate who has authorized the research and for what purpose. It must clearly identify the problems or hypotheses that have led the study.

Following the introduction, there should be a section in which significant discoveries or results are presented. The results presented in the summary should, of course, be in full agreement with what is written in the main part, but only the key points of what has been discovered during the research are presented here. An effective approach is an inclusion of one or more sentences informing what has exactly been established for each problem or goal mentioned in the introduction.

The last two sections of the summary are conclusions and recommendations followed by a discussion of the results. They are not the same thing. The conclusion is an opinion based on the results. The recommendation is a kind of advice on how better to act in the future.

Conclusions must be included in the review section without fail. An author is in a much better position than a reader, basing the conclusions on the evidence obtained because he or she is much more familiar with the methods used to generate and analyze data. If conclusions are omitted, this is a mistake, and the reader is faced with the need to come to them independently.

Another thing is recommendations. Some managers simply prefer to define acceptable views of the action by themselves and do not want the report makers to offer their recommendations. Others hold the view that since the author is in close proximity to the research, his or her very position allows suggesting the best course of action. You can also decide whether you want to see this section in your report if you order it on


Preparation of a formal introduction is not conceivable without taking into account the level of education and experience of the readers. The introduction provides fundamental information that the readers must properly assess. Although the amount and degree of detail of the introduction depend on the familiarity of the readers with the topic, it is from here that they begin to read the report, it is here that their attitude to the report as a whole is determined. It can be considered a general rule that a wider audience will require a longer entry, whereas a narrow one will be satisfied with a small one.

An introduction is often used to identify the unfamiliar terms that are used in this report in some special way.

For example, when a study refers to the penetration of a new commodity into the market, the introduction should be used to determine the market in question and the names of goods and companies that are considered to be "competitors" in calculating the market share of a new product. You must specify these details in your paper for clarity.

It is necessary to clearly define the specific research objectives. If this program has part of a larger one, mention it. It is necessary to state each secondary problem or the tested hypothesis. After reading the introduction, readers should get an accurate idea of what exactly is covered by the report and what is omitted in it. They must understand the relationship between this research and other related works. They must appreciate the need for the research and its importance. Thanks to all this, the introduction is meant to serve as the means of gaining the confidence of the readers and scattering any kind of bias that they may have.

The remaining parts will be considered in the third and final part of the article.

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