In our articles, we looked at management from many different angles. You already know how to write essays, scientific and research papers, how to choose a topic, what structure to adhere to. It is time to sum up everything that we know.
All traditional assumptions allowed one conclusion: the main focus of management is inside an organization. It is this assumption that can explain the incredible difference between management and entrepreneurship.
In practice, such a difference is meaningless. An enterprise (business or any other institution) that does not engage in innovation and entrepreneurship will not last long.
Modern management can only be really successful when it is in constant and continuous development, when it is focused on changes that ensure the organization's vitality and the accumulation of its potential for innovation and purposefulness.
But it turns out to be practically possible only under the condition of research of different systems, which involves searching for the most effective options for building a management system and organizing its functioning, eliminating contradictions in it and determining causes of shortcomings, and determining ways for further development. Studies allow us to find a correspondence between management of changing conditions and factors of the economy.
The traditional assumption that management is aimed at the inside of an organization also encompasses the idea that it is solely concerned with efforts and costs. After all, effort is the only thing that exists within a firm. And in the same way, everything inside it is a cost center.
But results of the activity of any institution exist only outside it.
Management should focus on results and quality of a firm. Moreover, the primary task is to determine what the results and quality of work in a particular company are, and this, as anyone who has done this business can say, is in itself one of the most complex, most controversial, but also the most important tasks. Therefore, it is management that must organize resources in such a way to get results outside it.
The New Paradigm
The new assumption – and the basis of a new paradigm on which management should be based as a scientific discipline and as a practical activity is as follows.
Management exists for results. It should be based on the desired results and organize the resources to obtain them. It is the body whose task is to make sure that an institution, be it business, church, university, hospital or shelter for victims of domestic violence, is able to get results beyond its limits.
The task and responsibility of management include everything that affects the quality of organization's work and its results, both inside and outside an institution, both under control and absolutely beyond it.
Prevailing assumptions about the realities of management determine what scientists, teachers and leaders consider to be reality.
New paradigms that displace the disciplinary assumptions are as follows:
- Management is a special, unique body, inherent in all organizations without exception;
- Managers must select an organization that is needed to complete the assignment;
- Managing people is not necessary, the main thing is to lead them and to make strengths and knowledge of each person productive.
New paradigms that displace practical assumptions of management are given below:
- Neither technology nor the final destination of products can serve as a sound basis for management policy. When choosing a strategy, it should proceed from the value for a consumer and his or her decisions;
- Boundaries of management are determined not by legal norms, but by production, and cover the entire economic chain;
- Management practice must be based on production needs, not political boundaries;
- Results of work of any organization exist only outside of it.
A manager needs to see and evaluate the change in the system of values, interests and motives, attitudes and conditions of human activity, both in the object and system itself. Based on experience and personal qualities, this is possible only on condition of running on a relatively small scale and with exceptional stability of the firm's functioning. But in modern conditions of increased dynamism of economic development, competition and complication of socio-psychological foundations of human activity, it is possible to assess the necessity of changes and implement them only on a research basis.
The Potential of a Modern Manager
The innovative and research potential of a modern manager is determined not only by his or her research settings, but also by the nature of education, the structure of knowledge, skills of creative activity, and the type of professional thinking.
The ability to research also characterizes such an important feature as the art of management, which is inconceivable without research, creativity, the desire to deep comprehension of all problems solved through the development of managerial decisions.
The research approach should be inherent not only to a manager, but also to all management personnel. Ultimately, the research potential is not only the quality, but also the characteristics of all management personnel. Hence follows the socio-psychological and organizational setting, which determines the style of management and the image (image) of a manager. Awareness of this is an important element in the formation of professional consciousness.
We talked about this topic enough for you to form your opinion about this science. Regardless of whether you are an expert in this field or it is just one of the additional subjects at your university, this knowledge will be very useful to you. These are modern realities, something, without which enterprises will not be able to work, without which the economy will stop. This science is so multifaceted that it makes no sense to try to draw general conclusions on it. Each of its sides requires separate consideration and it remains only to be surprised how many new and hitherto uncharted will be presented to us by management in the near future.